One Piece Chapter 1061 raw scans and leaks have been released. This chapter proceeds the story as the Straw hat crew sails toward the Egg head island where Vegapunk resides.

One Piece Chapter 1061 Spoilers
- Chapter Title – ‘Egg Head: The island of the Future’
- The Germa’s appear on the cover page again.
- The straw hat pirates are trying to save Bonney and get her onboard.
- But this does not end their trouble as a big shark attacks Thousand Sunny from just under them.
- They somehow managed to escape from the attack.
- The shark that is shown earlier is a robot.
- The shark sets its target on the ship and launches some cannon attacks.
- This separates Luffy and others from the crew.
- The shark is still not done yet and planning another attack.
- Another robot appears and punches the shark robot.
- The straw hat pirates sail to Egg Head island which belongs to Vegapunk.
- We see children of Punk Hazard, Tashigi, and some members of SWORD in a marine base near the island.
- Helmoppo wants to borrow Vegapunk’s ‘Seraphim’ to save Koby.
- Luffy, Jinbe, Chopper, and Bonney get separated from the gang.
- The second robot belongs to Vegapunk.
- Then the robot appears who saved the Straw hat crew from that robot shark.
- The gate opens and a girl comes out.
- The chapter ends when that girl claims to be Vegapunk.